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Sarah's visionary and energetic abilities have been consciously and quietly cultivated over many years. Abilities that were present since childhood, then numbed and run away from in early youth, have been acknowledged, embraced and developed. This has been a long and dedicated process and is a life long path. One approached with integrity and humility. And one blessed with mentors past and present who have embodied these integral qualities.


Sarah has 25 years therapy experience and is qualified in many modalities specialising in the body and the nervous system. Years of training and experience in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy has informed so much of Sarah's work and has laid the foundations for her energetic abilities to really flourish. This deep understanding of working somatically with trauma and the nervous system has been fundamental, and anchors her grounded approach. Over time it became clear she was no longer practicing true Craniosacral Therapy. She now focuses solely on energy work.

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Diploma (2 years) - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Body Intelligence Training - Perth, AUS


Certificate - Hatha Yoga

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta - London, UK


Certificate - sports and relaxation massage

MIMT - Melbourne, AUS


Certificate - Clinical Pilates

Breathe Pilates - Melbourne, AUS    


Culinary Chef- Food for Health and Healing 

Natural Gourmet Institute - New York, USA



Energy Training - with Clare Deale, Australia


Theta Healing - Sivananda Ashram, The Bahamas


Reiki - Buddha Hall, Himalayas, India


Ayurvedic Therapy - Raso Vai, Goa, India


Macrobiotics - The Kushi Institute, Amsterdam, Holland


Thai Massage - Institute of Thai Massage 

Chiang Mai, Thailand


Chi Kung and Tao Practices - The Tao Garden

Chiang Mai, Thailand


Reflexology- Australian College of Natural Medicine, Melbourne, Australia

Craniosacral Biodynamics - The Brain


Craniosacral Biodynamics - Pain


Craniosacral Biodynamics -Working with Mothers and Babies


Our Journey Here - Prenatal and Birth Experience and their Lifelong Influences – An Experiential Post Graduate Training for Practitioners (14 months)

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